b > Mql 5 < /b>. I've had queries for a month and still no reply. Everything on this site is not worth your money at all, neither it's worth your time /
effort. < br / >
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figure > < img alt = "How to Test a Trading Robot Before Buying - MQL5 Articles"
src = "https://c.mql5.com/2/5/fig1.png"
style = "background-color: grey; padding: 5px; width: 100%;" / > < figcaption > How to Test a Trading Robot Before Buying - MQL5 Articles(Daniel Barnett) < /figcaption> I 've had queries for a month and still no reply. Everything on this site is not worth your money at all, neither it'
s worth your time / effort. < br / >
h3 >
I 've had queries for a month and still no reply.
Everything on this site is not worth your money at all, neither it 's worth your time / effort.
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